
04 405 4144

Fit Boss

At FiT Boss they look to help people BOSS their lives through the use of industry experts across fitness, wellness and yoga to provide an all encompassing path to enhanced living. Their goal is to make the world thrive through their expert Fit Boss team who are skilled across a variety of skill sets including yoga, mixed martial arts, dancing, reiki, meditation, football and much more.  Getting in shape should be a FUN process, and they look to merge physical, mental and spiritual state of your life, but also learn skills that you can take with you for life.

We developed their 360 wellness website, which not only has a bookings solution enabling you to book for one to one as well as group personal training sessions, but also enveloped a ecommerce store holding 100’s of wellness products. Through listings of their various classes, retreats, wellness packages, and as well as their corporate market side, we developed a platform that is leading the way for fitness and wellness in the region.